LJM Construction is ready to work with you on your projects from the ground up – Literally! One of the many services we offer to our clients is foundation work. While we do not pour or form the foundation, all of your prep to pour work (dirt work)...
Where we work
We work in the state of New Hampshire. Our primary service area is indicated on this map but it is by no means exclusive. If a commercial or sizable private opportunity arises, please feel free to reach out to us for a bid or RFP.
See some of our projects
Excavation & Installation of 3″ Conduit, Gilford NH
Excavation and installation of approx 150' of 3" conduit along with some steel conduit in one of the drainage swale. After the get a new hand hole installed, all that's left is spring cleanup. [ngg src="galleries" ids="18" display="basic_thumbnail"...
Installation of Conduit, Tilton NH
Larry and his crew were up in Tilton on an Eversource job for the last week or so. They had to install approx 140' of 3" conduit from an existing riser pole to a meter bank. With the exception of locating an out of service leach field, it went very...
Excavation & Installation of Conduit, Moultonborough NH
Before the every other day snow started, Tim, Kevin and Mike were up north on a commercial project in Moultonborough. They were tasked with excavating and installing 260' of schedule 80 conduit from an electrical pullbox to the customer's existing...
Transfer of Electrical Services, Loudon NH
Job site in Loudon, the transfer of electrical services from old telephone poles to new ones. For the amount of people on the site from different companies, it went surprisingly smooth. Great job everyone! [ngg src="galleries" ids="14"...
Septic System Installation, Washington NH
Swung over to Washington to see how Brandon, Bruce and whoever else lent a hand, were doing on a septic system installation. Other than all of the ledge they were encountering, everything went very well. Great job everyone! [ngg src="galleries"...